Achiever Mag • 11th June 2011 Is Health a Priority? A news feature reporting on a government and para-statal event that questioned the part the state should play in health insurance.
Cape Argus • 7th January 2015 Students Work With City to Reinvigorate Foreshore This article, published in Cape Town's premier daily newspaper, reported on a student initiative for the refurbishment of the neglected Foreshore area.
23rd August 2016 Servicing Needs: Siemens Portfolio App This award-winning app enables the user to explore the Siemens wind service portfolio and individually pick only the services that are needed. It meets a challenging balance of user-friendliness while also providing the necessary information.
Breakwater Business • 4th November 2013 Harnessing the Hidden Equality in the workplace has improved; but as this article highlights, there's still a ways to go.
Indivumed • 28th April 2017 The Personal Approach Cancer database and biobank Indivumed required a fresh website that would reach several target groups. We came up with a repackaged navigational approach, a crisp new design, and more coherent copy.
9th June 2020 Powered by Change I developed the concept and wrote the script for this video that promotes a new wind turbine, focusing on the brand vision for a more relevant angle.
Money Marketing • 31st July 2011 The Need for a Disruptive Innovator A news feature reporting on a talk given by the INSEAD Professor of Leadership, detailing how to become a "disruptive innovator".
Breakwater Business • 18th May 2011 Building on a Good Idea A feature on the potential that micro-franchising could have for South African entrepreneurs. I was also part of the editorial team for this publication.
The Thinker • 1st April 2011 Christel House Overcomes Poverty A profile on a high-achieving matriculant from a school for underprivileged children, published in the premier magazine for South African thought leaders.
23rd January 2020 PLIXXENT Sales Guide When a number of companies left their umbrella corporation to form PLIXXENT, it was important that the salesforce fully convey the nature of the new brand. I developed this entire sales guide from the ground up to assist them in doing just that.
Bizcommunity • 18th November 2014 Is the MBA Keeping Up With the Needs of Business? This article used the latest job market research to address the growing need for MBA graduates and question the qualification's relevance.
Cape Argus • 26th February 2014 Empower Staff in Money Matters For this widely-published and popular article on a financial short course, I used remarks by a South African politician to create relevance and highlight the need for greater financial literacy in SA.
GSB • 29th March 2014 Breaking Bad Business As part of the editorial team for this publication, I helped shape the new design, content approach, and editorial choices – and contributed numerous articles.
Sowetan Live • 18th November 2014 HR to Step Up to Strategy For this article on a strategy-based HR short course, picked up by numerous publications, I utilised a research report which isolated a gap in the strategic role of HR. • 21st October 2010 Top Ten Chilli Poppers in Cape Town The immensely popular top ten lists at Capetownmagazine proved a successful way to increase readership while giving the user useful and entertaining content.